good fun! just a touch too long in the end and occasionally tries too hard to be funny; the dialogue ranges from true cringe to laugh out loud funny (peter quill actually says ‘that just happened!’ after one of the many, many sliding sequences in the game and it stopped me dead in my tracks). all that said, the story and characters are ultimately what keep pulling you along whilst the combat and platforming are pretty watered down.

it's a blast, regularly gets played as one of our go-to party games

this will be Prince of Persia the forgotten game in about a month (it’s actually okay, the platforming has its moments, the combat is lame and the story is fine)

as bad as everyone says, maybe even worse; this ugly mess is an overlong, terribly paced action shooter that plods along until the very last co-op door quick time event. I’m not even a huge Resident Evil fan and this made me upset for the series, no wonder they changed things up so drastically with the immediate sequel

as with GTA IV, this has its moments where it doesn’t quite balance the meaningful story that it wants to tell with all the quirky characters that inhabit a typical Rockstar production. It’s also bookended by almost entirely joyless ranch missions. while the sequel improved on everything in a significant way, Red Dead Redemption is still a worthy achievement with great writing, amazing atmosphere and the wonderful Euphoria physics engine in full effect, and i’m super nostalgic for the online side of things as I have fond memories of playing Liars Dice and fucking around with with friends for hours in the old west.

the less said about Undead Nightmare the better

a really excellent arcade racer that is occasionally hampered by its desire to have the end of every race live up to the title; that means some serious rubber banding with some serious frustration. but this thing is addictive, looks amazing for its age and manages to conjure up more than a handful of ‘holy shit!’ moments. I wish the gameplay had just a touch of Burnout included as ramming enemy racers here does absolutely nothing. it’s a real shame that a teased sequel never saw the light of day!

crashes a LOT on PS5, but this strange little outing for Rebellion Developments doesn’t take itself seriously, looks nice and is good fun played with a co-op partner

I don’t understand why this was popular/well received. even by 2008 standards it doesn’t look very good, the ‘story’ sucks and it plays… fine? I like the bits where it leans more into horror but it feels pretty creatively dead; I wish they’d done something more with the time period

really nice orchestral score by Christopher Lennertz and a simple but effective gang/business management side of the gameplay helps iron out the repetition and dated visuals

It doesn’t have the novelty of Killzone 2 in looking better than most shooters that had ever come before it, but Killzone 3 throws enough weapon and locale variety at you over a very brief campaign that it never gets close to feeling a chore to play through

solid arcade racer that controls well and is generally pretty fun (more than a typical movie tie in) but i’ll probably forget it quickly

adequate, brief and unchallenging family fun but specifically only when playing co-op

it’s not THAT bad but it’s definitely not good. I had to turn the voice audio down after 2 races

this entry in the perfectly pleasant Dadish series is marred by what feels like much longer levels at a much slower pace with much less checkpoints; still a solidly fun and simple 2D platformer regardless!