Extremely novel car building game that's just a tad half baked. Building vehicles is super cool and allows you a lot of fun options. To build a ramshackle car and drive it around, that's just pure fun. Problem is, the world design doesn't support it. There's not many good places for driving, and the enemies just get in the way without any good options for dealing with them. The structure is also weird, with 5 identical versions of each world just with different NPCs. It's fun in spite of itself.

Reviewed on Apr 11, 2022


2 years ago

As a Nintendo sheep who was pretty emotional about XBox getting this AND NOT US I of course never played this but now that I'm older gotta confess I always wanted to. The thing is, that from what I watched through Lets-Plays, its a weird mix of genres that might not always work out (plus might have really played with very different expectations from fans).

BUT if I look at a game like Breath of the Wild but also prior games like minecraft and Skyrim, I believe something about Nuts&Bolts might have been ahead of its time as I think a DLC for BotW that would let you craft your own vehicle to traverse the world would have been superfun in this open world that has a big emphasis on this mix of openess, physics and have-it-your-wayism. So I would adore an open worlds Banjo Kazooie game where they'd add a Nuts&Bolts Addon. I believe they should still focus on an actual platformer if they'd get back with that franchise, but as a DLC it could work perfectly fine.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

Valcoholic, yes, I would agree the game was ahead of its time. Now a days there's actually quite a few vehicle building games where you have to design a vehicle to accomplish some very specific task such as Besiege, Scrap Mechanic, or Instruments of Destruction. These games tend to be more focused on accomplishing a specific challenge (traverse a difficult path or destroy this castle) and tend to not have big open worlds that half work like this one did. It's interesting though, because I do think they all lack something that this one had. A little bit more of a chaotic energy, perhaps? This messy game has some charm in its sloppiness.