Signalis, was better than I anticipated in a huge sleugh of ways. I was expecting a rough game, with harsh mechanics, and a sort of weird story. I was correct about most of these things, in the best possible way. The Game's difficulty comboed with your level of skill, certain meta aspects of the game, quite literally determine the outcome of the story, and it gives a certain buff after a certain point if you die too much. How fucking cool is that? anyways the mechanics, are pretty easy to get the hang of, but this doesn't make them easy to deal with per say. The story? yeah good luck with figuring that shit out. There is a secret ending that I haven't had the will power to get yet, but I will eventually. Either way this game will always have a special place in my heart.

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The Gorgeous graphics, music, and story. All melded together and made time fly. Truly a game that deserves a bigger fanbase.

I honestly started playing this game way back in 2018? ish i stopped playing back then around 2019, and i very quickly remembered why when i picked it back up (December 2023). The Hacking Mini game, and 9S and his salty little bitch boy attitude. I knew there was more story, but just simply replaying the story you played, as B2 from a different perspective was just something I thought was gonna repeat after the 9S run so i quit. A2 looked like a badass character with some cool story attatched to her, but i just couldn't be patient enough to play it... That was until I picked it back up of course. I played through about 30 mins of slogue, and all of the sudden. The music, the combat, the upgrading. All of the little things that made me enjoy the game so much on my first play through came flooding back to me, and then it had its claws in me. I didn't get all of the endings, but I rolled (The Final) Credits and saw A2's ending. I personally think A2's Ending is a better cannon in my head than the other one, and I might go back and replay it to get the other endings, but for now. I am thoroughly blown away and just. So fucking grateful that I had the opportunity, to go back and play this absolutely beautiful game.

I really really REALLY wanted to like this game, but ultimately it was just so unpolished, and unfinished even four years after release that I could'nt hang with it. The game has a decent core to it, and i could see it being really enjoyable if it wasn't so damn clunky. The Music is a strong point for me but its absolutely ruined when the audio of the game is constantly cutting in and out, and it feels like stop-motion getting in and out of combat. And as far as the whole "Memories" Mechanic, the music cutting in and out COMPLETELY FUCKING RUINS THESE SORROWFUL MOMENTS THAT ALLOWS YOU TO SEE HOW AWFUL IT IS TO BE A REVENANT, IT JUST MAKES YOU MAD INSTEAD. I dropped it, because I ran out of patience for bullshit like this.