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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 12, 2022

Platforms Played


You're either doing one of two things - mashing R3 looking for what to climb or interact with next, or taking part in a strangely designed battle system.

The environments are so dense and beautifully rendered that working out what you can interact with or even what you should do is difficult to work out - there were many times I would walk around, unable to see anything, and then just wait for Aloy to highlight what I should be doing next. It's not very intuitive because everything is so busy. And even then, the act of moving is painful - no game has made climbing fun in this way. You rapidly tap X to move across yellow handholds and completely switch off, or press L3 and run through arena after arena.

Which brings me to fighting - for a game which seems to mostly revolve around battling at a distance, every enemy wants to get in your face. So you have to use a mediocre melee attack to fight, or continuously roll away to put space between you and the enemy. Later upgrades make this easier, but the whole loop makes no sense. Enemies are so fast that you are running and taking pot shots, or going full Dark Souls and rolling in place, waiting for attack animations to end before melee-ing.

Yes, it looks beautiful and the new enemies are well designed. But it's classic all filler no killer - the base gameplay just wasn't fun for me and led me to quickly abandon this. It's an incredibly bland game in the end - everything it does has been done much better in other games.