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1 day

Last played

September 23, 2021

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I wasn't expecting too much of an evolution with a sequel but this was generally the same thing as the first game - it's been a couple of years since I played it but nothing jumped out as "New!". The story felt like it hit the same beats so it was difficult to care about what was happening.

The graphics are as good as ever - but Christ does everything on screen just blend together. It's difficult to know what you can stand on and what you can't, and with the amount of particles on screen at once, some of the faster sequences (I cannot understand who thought those escape/chase runs were a good idea), it becomes a game of "What am I thinking?" between you and the level designer as to what to do next.

The world design is also very samey - the last desert world was a great change from the forest/cave/lake trifecta we've had for the last game and a half. It's fun to control Ori around these levels, but there's some puzzling layout choices which make fun fluid movement difficult to do.

Music is still top notch - and whilst they boiled down to mostly fetch quests, the addition of these was a nice break at times. I cannot say the same for those Spirit Trials - yikes, talk about inane.

I feel playing it on the Switch hampered it as I got a lot of bugs (random shutdowns, areas not loading, getting trapped in walls) - it's a commendable port but I feel playing it on the Series X would have given me a better time.