Red Dead Redemption isn't something you can easily explain in only words. The world that rockstar painstakingly crafted feels lush with life and atmosphere. Without going into spoilers, my only gripes with the game come with the multiplayer and early game. While I never touched the multiplayer much, it was disheartening to see those who did essentially get shafted also the beginning of the game tends to drag, a lot of the real meat and bones happen at later moments and trudging through the opening every time can lead to boredom quickly. This game is simply put, a work of art that should be experienced by everyone who calls themselves a narrative enjoyer at least once.

I fucking hate this game, and it's ruined my life. All in all it's pretty decent I'd say.


Dare I say ID Softwares magnum opus, there are simply not many games that nail the level of atmosphere that this game creates. The soundtrack by NIN alone is worth the play, not to mention the fast, and simple movement. Quake is a product of its time period and economic climate and shows that in stride. While I love Wolfenstein, and Doom as much as the next guy, but there truly is only one Quake.

There truly isn't an easy way to explain this game, it's hilarious, heartbreaking, thought provoking and so much some. Fair warning, I would do research into this game due to outside issues the developers faced. This piece of art isn't everyones cup of tea, but it's mine, and I'll gladly have another cup.