Not terrible but definitely the weakest of the newer RE entries. A side from it's length (the game only took me 3 hours to beat), the game is incredibly linear and is too much of a blockbuster spectacle filled with scripted events and moments where the game pretty much gives infinite ammo and health and asks you to mindlessly mow down a wave of enemies. I enjoy these kinds of games from time to time (i.e. Far Cry) but it's not something I want from an RE game. When I play an RE I want resource management, metroidvania-like level design and excellent atmosphere. These elements are still there in very vague chunks, but it's heavily toned down compared to the other games.

There were also frustrating moments throughout, especially during boss fights, where I would get stun locked by at least two enemies ganging up on me, instantly killing me. Not fun. The dodge mechanic didn't do much either, it was really unresponsive and I never found much use for it.

The game just isn't scary, and I think that's my main problem with it. You always have an overabundance of health and ammo and there was too much action to soak into any eerie atmosphere.

Yeah, this was very mediocre at best...

This story in this sucked ass, the Twin Peaks references become really annoying after a while (I'm saying this as someone who loves Twin Peaks) and the worst of all - the game was just not scary at all.

The combat was fun at first but becomes really repetitive after just 2 hours. There's only 3 enemy varieties and their all play very similar to one another. Enemies often spawn behind you with no prior warning giving them an easy attack on you. Resources like ammo and batteries are incredibly over abundant making the game a cakewalk. More than half the game is just spent running around similar-looking woods.

Overall, just a very boring game.

Also, is Alan supposed to be a bad writer? All of his narrations (which are clearly meant to be in his writing) are so incredibly dry and awful.