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Time Played

1h 40m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 1, 2024

Platforms Played


Exoptable Money: Let's not pretend either of us knew what “exoptable” meant until we Googled it today. It doesn't even look like a real word.
Another “game” by Robert Brock, the creator of Presentable Liberty, and in Exoptable Money you do even less than you did there. There is no information nor instructions, simply a velvet-covered box with a red switch in front of you and a rope on the side. Flip the switch and the box comes alive with lights, spraying money up into the air and into your pockets. Pull that rope and you see the upgrade store, offering delights such as more bills per second or adding gems to the reward pool, fueling your finances. Each upgrade runs you the chance of seeing a letter from a mysterious Madame Sinclaire or Doctor Money while a short and ominous track loops indefinitely. Thank god it can be muted.

Things get weird. Like “blood is now flying out of the box”-weird. Eventually the box is spewing so much shit you'll struggle to see your mouse, which is obnoxious.

Exoptable Money is an idler, so as with Presentable Liberty there's an obvious element of “wasted time” here. By design, you do nothing while the game makes you wait until you can buy the next upgrade to speed up the process of waiting -- but while the game's speed is increased, so is the price for the next upgrade, re-lengthening the waiting and maybe making things worse. I've played several “normal” idlers and I think they do something dangerous to the human mind and I'd bet Robert Brock felt that way, too.
There's some good humor here. You only see letters from Madame Sinclaire after buying an upgrade, so it may be a while between them. She'll eventually just send you a totally blank letter in an envelope and you won't get an explanation until the next upgrade where she simply apologizes for the error. Basically two pointless letters. You can also pay 8000 bucks, a pretty steep price, for a measly three additional backgrounds to see. You likely won't even view these because you're going to alt-tab out of this game. Even worse is a tin can you can buy for $50,000 and it does nothing but make a “clang” when you click it.

Like Presentable Liberty, this is clearly a piece of media to make you feel something more so than directly entertain you, if that makes sense. I think it has an interesting mindset behind it and I'm happy I gave it a shot, but I don't recommend Exoptable Money simply because it's an idler that's pretty boring, takes too long to beat, and there isn't even a 3D room for you to interact with. While arguably an idler as well, at least there's a variety of mini-games in Presentable Liberty.