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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 13, 2023

Platforms Played



A fun and wacky game that nails the jokes, even if the gimmicks sometimes overstay their welcome.

The best part of What the Golf is it is barely a golf game. It's more focused on breaking golf or using "golf" as a vehicle to tell silly jokes, spoof other video games, or just do wacky stuff. Getting to a new area to see what the new joke or gimmick was is honestly the most fun part of the game. The issue, however, is occasionally those gimmicks overstay their welcome. It doesn't take long to go from "Haha! Wow! What a fun spoof on ___" to "OK I get it let's go on to the next thing".

Going for 100% was simultaneously fun and a bit draining. Getting a crown on every level requires you to do all kinds of interesting challenges that the base levels often don't require. In fact, some of the best jokes are hidden behind the crown levels. That said, when the game was already overstaying its welcome, having to play each level 3 times didn't do it any favors.

+ Fun, goofy, and funnier than a golf game should be
+ Great gags and spoofs on other games
+ Fun gameplay

- Overstays its welcome
- Gimmicks get old fast