A looping/Groundhogs Day puzzle game that can be beaten in a clean 6-8 hours and doesn't overstay its welcome? This is my kind of game.

The Forgotten City is the kind of game that feels good to puzzle out on your own. It opens with a single a problem you're being asked to solve, and then reveals itself to be several interwoven problems that all affect one another. And even beyond those problems lays a whole layer of secrets to discover. It was really satisfying to figure everything out and get the "best" ending without ever feeling like I needed to look to a guide. Solid game design.
There are also baked-in features in the game to save you time on subsequent loops so you don't have to have the same conversations over and over again.

There were some occasions here and there where I experienced a bit of jank. Sometimes I'd do things in a weird order the game wouldn't expect that might result in characters getting stuck, or someone having a conversation with a corpse. I suspect this game starting as a Skyrim mod is to blame for that.

Regardless of the minor problems I came across, The Forgotten City is a really fun puzzle box to explore, test, and solve on your own. Definitely recommend going into this one as blind as possible.

+ Great puzzle box design
+ Fun story and lore
+ Quality-of-life features to save time during your loops
+ Doesn't overstay its welcome

- Some jank here-and-there
- A bit too easy to confuse the game's systems in some instances

Reviewed on May 16, 2024
