One of my favorite games of all time. Incredible open world with some of the best side quest stories in any video game. The game is full of compelling characters that make the world feel alive and interesting. It's the antithesis of Ubisoft open world games - it's a world you are compelled to explore and learn more about, not a world where you're just ticking boxes. Sometimes the open world is arguably too much. It's a daunting game and difficult to recommend unless you have the time to fully engross yourself in it. The only complaints I ever had was that the combat is a bit clumsy but you get used to it. As a fan of the books, I loved experiencing a real continuation of many of the stories told in the books. Also, Gwent rules.

Disclaimer: These are my brief thoughts based on my memory of playing this 7 years ago:

Reviewed on Mar 23, 2023
