this pack has my favorite jackbox game of all time in it, along with some other games i enjoy quite a bit. one of the better packs i think

its a neat game overall, i have a good time with friends. needs more time in the oven to really shine.

game is functionally unplayable on PC because cheaters can delete your save when you are playing multiplayer. the game is fine otherwise.

for a game based on workshop compatibility. they sure chose a really complicated art style to mimic. game felt more like an alpha than a beta.

nostalgia blinds me somewhat with this game. sure, the game is still good. but it won't be the same as it was when it came out, right? i would say the game is fine. don't expect to earn any skins any time soon without spending some bucks, though.

they nerfed bombs the game is good again

I don't think im alone when saying Fall Guys has really hit the deep end. Ever since Season 1: Free For All the game hasn't felt the same.

The main issues at the moment are not with the gameplay, which is good. However almost everything else has been pretty bad as of late. I'm going to go into depth about most of the problems in Fall Guys' current state.

I've played since launch, where the game slowly but surely got better and better. I'd say the game was worth 20 dollars at around season 3 or 4. There was a lot of changes and improvements that really added a lot to the game. It peaked at season 6, where there was so much variety and fun to be had. Free For All made some very strange changes that a lot of veterans don't like, myself included. Including things like: The game being F2P, Cosmetic prices, skill based matchmaking, crowns being essentially discontinued, and some other topics that i will cover within this review.

The F2P model is one I'm quite familiar with at this point, I've been playing TF2 since Jungle Inferno on and off. This example is really, really bad. If at launch the game was like this, i wouldn't have much of an issue. The problem is most people paid 20 dollars for the game, which some would still deem as too much. I got the game for free, so this doesn't effect me much, but that doesn't make it any better. The game being F2P has also made the came more popular, as free games usually are. This has upsides and downsides, as more players is good typically.

The increase in players, while good, has caused some other issues. a lot of newer players means older veterans would normally be filed in the all the newbies. I personally don't see an issue with this, as Fall Guys is a party game made for casual play. However the developers thought this would be an issue, so they introduced sill based matchmaking in every mode. I don't enjoy this at all, as the lobbies in general have become less casual. So goofing off is typically much harder and less doable. Which hurts the game as its not a serious game in any compacity. A ranked mode with the skill based matchmaking would suffice, but that would feel off to the core feel of the game.

In its current state the Battle Pass costs 10 dollars or 950 show bucks. Veterans got the first one for free, which contains only barely enough for the next one. you get about 1200 per pass which is only 350 to spend on whatever. That is not enough to usually buy anything for a good value. You can get typically a full set of cosmetics or 1 taunt with that amount which is not worth it. Not to mention crowns as a currency have been completely removed, in favor of the previously mentioned show bucks. Prices for items have not changed significantly in Satellite Scramble (the second free season).

As a sort of replacement for the easy to earn cosmetics in the shop, there are events that happen semi-frequently. These events attempt to spice up the gameplay loop and reward the player for playing. Typically these events coincide with a new bundle in the shop or a new show that you can play in. The events do their job, but the cosmetics are usually ones that would be priced in the shop for kudos instead of show bucks. Which is not necessarily a problem, but more a side effect of the currency swap. The way it used to work was: something would be in the shop, you would need 10 or so crowns to buy it, you earned the crowns by either winning or getting them in the once free pass, and then buying the cosmetic, all for free. Things are worse now, as i have mentioned before, crowns have been removed as a currency. So all the crossovers/actually good looking cosmetics cost around 8 dollars or so.

As for the upsides, The game has never had more variety when it comes to games, new shows being released weekly and new maps/variations being released somewhat frequently. Though I haven't seen any of the maps introduced in Free For All sense Satellite Scramble came out. The new maps like hoverboard heroes and pixel painters are either really fun or really unique. Props to the devs.

its a pretty standard phone game from 2014. takes a while to get somewhere without spending cash but its never required. i spent 5 bucks pretty late in just to have the bonuses you get for spending any amount of money.


Fall guys season 6 is honestly my favorite theme so far. the party courses are usually super fun and the pass costumes are pretty good. the taunt at the end is hilarious too.
while not new to this season, the event system is a really nice way to get free costumes as well. the current one gives you the worst (best) color i've ever seen. its also a nice way to add more challenges besides the daily ones.
overall nice season, fall guys is still fun (imo) and the party theme is super cool.

game kinda laggy on my pc, but it's just. board games. what's not to love

features the best character in gaming. the civilian for tf2c