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Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

January 17, 2024

First played

January 3, 2024

Platforms Played


One of my personal highlights of the GameCube and a real Underrated gem in my book. Treasures always been an underdog developer from Gunstar Heroes, to Mischief Makers, and more. It's a very easy pick up and play 3D Platformer with Beat Em Up style elements to it that just really clicks regardless of skill level. Not to mention that the soundtrack in this game is probably my favorite soundtrack period in any Wario game. Every track in this game is a bop AND YES THAT INCLUDES THE PAUSE MENU MUSIC. Even more impressive is that the games 13 levels all include a boss in which every single one of them is incredibly unique and has a fun gimmick to their fight. I feel it's hard enough to make a handful of boss battles for any game, let alone just absolutely nailing it for every single level of one. The few things that keep this game from being perfect for me is the fact that the game is surprisingly short with only 4 worlds of 3 levels each, and because of that the game does have somewhat of a sudden difficulty spike halfway through the game, that I feel does even out a bit afterwards, but can be a bit frustrating. Also the final boss for all the build up is kind of a wet fart. Far too easy with only one specific attack pattern that you have to hit 8 times, and with really no change up or phases it gets really dull. Still, this is one of my all time favorite Wario and GameCube games and I couldn't recommend playing it more. You could easily get through this in one sitting. It's Warios World and we're just living in it.