The Good: The most fun gameplay loop... ever? Definitely the best combat system since MGS5; there's always half a dozen ways to approach any encounter, and the game will always reward you if you have a random idea and try to make it work.

The Bad: I literally don't have any problems with this game, it was perfect for me. DLSS support would be nice, if I had to really nitpick.

The Ugly: Is there any world where Capcom can create a gem from remaking the much more flawed RE5 and RE6? Are they even going to try? RE4 feels like the most reasonable stopping point for the remakes, but Capcom is on such a role lately who knows.

The Good: Nathan Drake is an instantly fun and compelling character. A fun popcorn video game, which captures the spirit of Indiana Jones so easily.

The Bad: The gameplay is just not there yet, it's basic and very rarely mixes things up in an interesting way.

The Ugly: The final boss is an exercise is frustration, the worst of any Uncharted game.