The Good: Fantastic atmosphere and vibes. Second only to Kojima in its ability to genuinely feel like a singular vision, even if that sometimes entails the game feeling a bit flawed. The "We Sing" chapter.

The Bad: The gameplay is pretty simple and often mediocre. The few times you face more than 2 enemies your character can start to feel unwieldy. Waiting 13 more years to get to some of these story threads left hanging would be a bummer.

The Ugly: I just genuinely really miss Lance Reddick, and I'm sure he would've had a great and prominent role in this new Remedy shared universe.

The Good: The best looking Yakuza game and best combat system so far. Great collection of mini-games in this one. Ryuji Goda is a very fun villain. The few Yakuza 0 connections are great.

The Bad: The story has about 50 plot twists too many. The game is also way too easy, you'll walk through it, even on hard.

The Ugly: Something tells me it's going to be rough to do Yakuza 3 after this one.

The Good: Nathan Drake is an instantly fun and compelling character. A fun popcorn video game, which captures the spirit of Indiana Jones so easily.

The Bad: The gameplay is just not there yet, it's basic and very rarely mixes things up in an interesting way.

The Ugly: The final boss is an exercise is frustration, the worst of any Uncharted game.

There are some inherent flaws simply from how old the original game is, but my goodness does it still rule.

The best Assassin's Creed game in a long time. The story is pretty generic, but is buoyed by great performances. You're a little OP by the end for my tastes, but I still found the gameplay loop super satisfying.

Pure nostalgia. It shocked me how much I knew every map and how I knew almost every song by heart. Please follow up with THPS 3 + 4, as that would also be fantastic.

The Good: Kazama Kiryu is a great character, and is really carried by his voice actor. The final boss fight is a blast. The Majima Everywhere system is pretty fun.

The Bad: Way too many annoying fights heavy with guns near the end of the game. Combat has been nerfed from 0, which makes it less fun to slog through. The overall story is not great, and is mostly carried by the threads from Yakuza 0.

The Ugly: A couple of deaths in this game feel unearned and border on tasteless.

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Rikiya :(

The Good: Massive gameplay improvements from Yakuza 3. New protagonists are great additions, especially Shun Akiyama.

The Bad: Story has way too many unnecessary plot twists, a Yakuza tradition at this point. Annoying traversal issues for one of the characters.

The Ugly: Did they seriously write Sayama out of the series?

The Good: The most fun gameplay loop... ever? Definitely the best combat system since MGS5; there's always half a dozen ways to approach any encounter, and the game will always reward you if you have a random idea and try to make it work.

The Bad: I literally don't have any problems with this game, it was perfect for me. DLSS support would be nice, if I had to really nitpick.

The Ugly: Is there any world where Capcom can create a gem from remaking the much more flawed RE5 and RE6? Are they even going to try? RE4 feels like the most reasonable stopping point for the remakes, but Capcom is on such a role lately who knows.

Over before it gets going, but as a results never overstays its welcome. A few story beats could've used another hour or two to breathe, but swinging is so fun and the combat is fantastic.

The best VR experience I've ever had. If you love Half-Life, I really cannot overstate how it feels to enter this world and interact with it. Ending gave me literal goosebumps, and I cannot wait to see what comes next.

Loved this game.

I think the storytelling had some flaws, but it's so much more ambitious than pretty much any game story I've come across. Still, a few too many plot contrivances for my taste.

The game has some major flaws, but I just really loved the story and characters I got to interact with along the way. I'm hoping when I come back in a few years and the DLC is out, I'm looking at an even better experience with mods/patches.

The underlying game is just old, and there is no way around it. That said it's so awesome to play this piece of history and see it's fingerprints everywhere in the future of games.