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Time Played


Days in Journal

5 days

Last played

March 29, 2024

First played

March 25, 2024

Platforms Played


(side note: this is my first mario rpg and my first TBRPG that's not a persona game that I actually beat)
For a 12 hour long RPG (something VERY rare to find these days), SMRPG is one of the most unique games I've played for a while.

The spin it puts on turn based combat is really interesting, having the same general structure as other games, but adding in extra depth through a timing system which I found really enjoyable to master.

This game's story is also really great, and I loved the world building of finding new kingdoms to explore and see how their atmosphere and problems differ from the last. I also really like the artstyle of the game and while seeing mario bowser and peach a lot differently than how I usually see them was a bit of a culture shock, It didn't take me too long to get around their new style, and liked it a lot (especially bowsers). I also really liked the new characters they introduced and built around the story, with Geno probably being my favorite as his sense of humor I enjoyed a lot, and not to mention he has some of the most broken abilities I've ever seen in a game.

This segways well however into one of my main problems with the game: IT'S SO FUCKING EASY. This is coming from someone who's greatest feat in a turn based game is beating p3reload on hard (chickening out on the elizabeth fight tho) and beating P3Fes on normal, as I beat both persona 4 and 5 (5 numerous times) on easy, and struggled there. However with this game I did no grinding whatsoever and I think I died a total of 3 times, because I forgot to heal. This doesn't take too much away from the game as the story is great and the difficulty in combat is made up for in the difficulty of the janky platforming and borderline unfair puzzles (fuck those 2 puzzle rooms in the last leg of the game).

Otherwise apart from this though this is a great game and considering it's price and quality it is definitely worth picking up, even if it's on the shorter side.