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ThisIsLeesy reviewed Celeste
Super duper fun 2D platformer, Deff worth checking out if you haven't played this game before. I probs wont be doing the post game content anytime soon tho because it looks really hard ;(

1 day ago

ThisIsLeesy reviewed Tanks: The Crusades
You won't get much out of this if you don't play with friends

1 day ago

ThisIsLeesy reviewed MultiVersus
This is one of the fastest fall offs I've seen from a game

1 day ago

ThisIsLeesy reviewed The Expendabros
Cool tech demo for Broforce. Nothing else beyond that though

1 day ago

ThisIsLeesy completed Counter-Strike 2
It's the same game as CS:GO but in source 2 which makes it look better. Despite how little they changed with this update, it wasn't AS bad as something like OW2, and it's still up there as one of my go-to mutiplayer shooters of choice. Also this is wayyyyyyyyy better than shitty as valorant LOL xD

1 day ago

ThisIsLeesy reviewed Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
This is probably what I would default to (along with OW and R6) as my go to FPS game. It's just designed so well and playing alone or with friends is just really fun. You still have the option to play this version if you download it from the betas, but you can't play online as that has fully migrated over to CS2. But this game will always hold a special place in my heart as it was one of my main gateways into valve, and FPS games as a whole.

1 day ago

ThisIsLeesy reviewed Among Us
How do you sell the bag this bad. For when it was popular tho it was pretty fun.

1 day ago

ThisIsLeesy reviewed Apex Legends
eh. Fortnite is my go to battle royale as while the movement in this game is fun,

I could enjoy this game in the future IF i ever come back to it, but for now at least, this is definitely not a game for me

1 day ago

ThisIsLeesy reviewed Halo Infinite
Kinda fun at launch but fell off HARD

1 day ago

ThisIsLeesy reviewed SCP: Secret Laboratory
This is a game you play once a year with a couple of friends and have no idea what the fuck to do and just admire the degeneracy in voice chat. I could probably learn how to play this game but I almost don't want to just so I can have a fresh experience every time I boot up this game

1 day ago

ThisIsLeesy reviewed Overwatch
What a peak game, I wonder what the dev teams will do with the sequel. The PVE looks like so much fun :D

1 day ago

ThisIsLeesy reviewed Dark Souls III

This review contains spoilers

While DS3 has undeniably some of the best bosses in the entire series, with particular highlights being in the late game and DLCs of this game, This game is held back by 3 main things:
1) the atmosphere. This might be the most depressing game I've ever played (maybe except for inside) because the colour pallete is just beige, grey and dark green. It's so dull and while I definitely feel like that was the goal, there is just so much colour in many other of the souls games like DS1, DS2, Elden Ring, and I'd even say DmS. Playing the early game of this game for more than an hour makes me want to kill myself because of how muted it is, and it greatly hinders the replay value I get from this game.
2) The areas. HOLY SHIT THEY SUCK. In the entire game I think maybe 4-5 of the areas are at the very least bearable. And half of them are in the ringed city DLC. DS3 is probably the opposite of DS1, as most of the games quality is in the second half of the game rather than the first, but at least in DS1 there was SOME stuff in the second half that made it fun to trek through (Dukes archives is a fun area with a cool gimmick, Nito is a cool boss, Four kings can be fun, and I actually like the Centipede Demon). But outside of High wall and MAYBE Undead settlement on a good day, playing through the early game areas of DS3 is just ass. They are sooooooo fucking linear in design and not really many branching off points to go and mess around with, like in DS1 with the darkroot garden and the valley of drakes which lets you do some funky shit out of order.
3) the enemies. The bosses in DS3 are really fucking awesome dont get me wrong, but FIGHTING ENEMIES SUCKS. I feel like everyone ESPECIALLY in Lotheric castle is soooo beafy and has needlessly hard movesets to learn, making them just pains in the ass as I try to get to each boss. I tried to do an int build on one of my subsequent playthroughs but genuinely couldn't get past some of the enemies and had to respec into dex to finish up the game.

Overall while DS3 definitely cuts back on a lot of the jank of the older games, it loses a lot of the charm from those older games that I really appreciated, and also makes fighting through everything that isn't a boss hard and annoying.

In conclusion DS1 better xD

(also fuck the trophy list)

1 day ago

ThisIsLeesy reviewed Overwatch 2
This is the most disapointed I've ever been with a shooter sequel.
But it's still overwatch and in the past year or so (mainly just the past few months) the devs have added a lot and fixed some of the bigger issues with the game. Also Venture is really fun so Idk saves it from being lower

2 days ago

ThisIsLeesy is now playing Hollow Knight

2 days ago

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