Shadow Warrior 3 is frustrating, because underneath all the problems, there's definitely a fun game in there somewhere. It's fast, violent, and feels like a knock-off Doom Eternal, but it has its own interesting ideas.

But it's also very flawed in many ways. First of all, the writing is complete garbage. The humor is absolutely horrible, all the characters are annoying and can't close their mouths for more than 10 seconds. It's like the worst Marvel lines, only even worse somehow. Halfway through the game I decided to turn off the voices and subtitles, which made the game much more enjoyable.

The action can be very confusing because of all the colorful particles everywhere and the overall sub-par arena designs. I went back and played Doom Eternal after that, and was impressed with how readable the action was and how well the levels were designed compared to SW3.
You can't make a discount Doom Eternal without platforming sequences, and SW3 has tons of those. It's super repetitive and drags for far too long in each level. It feels like filler between arenas. And if you miss a jump, you usually have to redo the whole section thanks to misplaced checkpoints.

Glory kills are another thing inspired by Doom. But this is one aspect where SW3 tries something new and it's interesting. Once killed, the body parts of enemies can be used as powerful temporary weapons. This is pretty cool, but there are also some problems. First of all, the animations are way too long and get repetitive. Also, the fact that each enemy has to come with a unique weapon for the player means that they couldn't design as many enemies, so you'll be fighting the same enemies over and over in each level.
Some enemies are more annoying to fight than challenging. I hope the game designer who put the mole enemy in the game wakes up tomorrow stepping on a lego.

Another disappointing aspect of the game is the Katana. I remember the Katana being incredibly fun to use in SW1 and 2. But here, they've messed it up somewhat and it feels more like an extra melee attack that you can use on trash mobs.
We're constantly running out of ammo, and I'm pretty sure the developers reduced the maximum amount of ammo we can carry so that we're forced to use the katana even if it sucks.

As someone who enjoyed SW1 and 2 (even though I wasn't totally sold on the looter shooter aspect of the second game), 3 is disappointing. It's fun at times, but it's mostly generic, repetitive, and worst of all, annoying.

Reviewed on May 13, 2023
