16 Reviews liked by Thomas

fuck yeah baby metroid prime baby fuck

It took my a lot of money on the arcade machine at the time but it was totally worth it. Maybe not so much, I don't know, but I remember well having a good time. It is one of the most enjoyable games to drift.

you don't get it, i played this with a milf

This is the greatest game of all time. EDF!! EDF!!

Expert made me want to kill myself but other than that pretty funky game.

---Earlier this year, the sequel to Bangai-O, Bangai-O Spirits, surprised me with it's amount of variety and tension. It's still one of my favorite games I've played this year. Thus I was highly anticipating playing the sequel to that game: Bangai-O HD: Missile Fury. I was hoping for even more improvements and variety in this installment, as well as an expectation of a visual improvement here. Well, I did get those things sort of. If you would like some Bangai-O, then this is definitely that, but I'm afraid it doesn't amount to much more. It's competent, and fun, but it's more of the same of what we got in Spirits.
---That being said, there are some welcome additions and improvements here that make this something like the "Half-Life 2: Episode 1" of Bangai-O. You now gain back health for every enemy you kill. The freeze weapon is now bound into the dash skill. Speaking of: the big dash feature is amazing and very satisfying to pull off. There's also new weapons like the Fast bullets and the Wide bullets, though it seems Bangai-O favors it's Bounce and Homing weapons more.
---Which does start to bring me to my complaints. You can't choose weapons right at the start anymore. Instead you have to break boxes in order to retrieve them, and even then they go away after awhile so you better hope you see them in Bangai-O HD's hectic fire fights. I also didn't like how much Treasure has brought over and implemented from Spirits into Missile Fury. The tilemaps and background and shared heavily between the game to the point where Missile Fury lacks identity. You can also tell Missile Fury had a bit of a lower budget as Dr. Ban is now a flat static sprite that looks like he's still in the concept art stage. Overall I think Bangai-O HD proves how unique and interesting the series as a whole is, and how underrated it has gone, but I don't think this will blow the minds of long-time fans either. It's a Bangai-O game, and that's it. - [07/10]

Played this once in a hamburger restaurant when I was young. Not even kidding, they had a console and that, and was playing while my parents were talking by the table.

Very likely this game isn't as good as I remember it being, but god damn this is a childhood gem.

This game was not good I know that for a fact. But little me would say otherwise.

Attempting to drive over any random leaf or twig in the middle of the road may result in you somersaulting thirty times in the air.


maybe best arcade racing thing even today. best music, fun physics, dirty dirt, huge variety of tracks and types of vehicles. and i almost forgot about fact of this made in splitscreen era

the only game where taking a close-up photo of your little brother's ragdolling race avatar is the best part