The super duper elite mexican cartel is so scary that they make 141 not for makarov but for this..

LMAO the campaigns in COD have taken such a dive.

The campaign is what made me drop this game.

For some reason theres a bug where the AI and my own stacks of armies have become god mode aka they won't die.

I can legit run over to the very last mission monte cassino due to it. Btw you would think Rome would be the last but no its a flipping cutscene.

Pathfinding is terrible also.. tanks cannot find and fire at targets unless they're within 1 inch

Plus the campaign is just boring.. I appreciate what they went for grand map wise but its poorly delivered.

Amazing how people on steam are so quick to forgive devs who claim they're in dev hell but in reality simply don't want to work on anything.

There was so much promised in this game and took them 12 years including a engine change. Only to slap on 1.0 when they decided they don't want to work on it anymore.

They throw in small updates now but after removing possible new content or content that expanded on old existing stuff.

Relying on the modding community once again to make a souless game to make it successful.

The false promises, the really overrated writing/characters people claim to get 'attached' to including Jackie a guy you see for maybe 1-2 hours and I couldn't care less about.

The fact they claim its an RPG, no its a linear story that you have to real option to change. Either way you end up at the same building every time besides one ending thats rushed.

Its also very empty and souless world they tried to claim it was alive in. Saying how the gangs would care about your rep and your doings with them would change how they felt. Nope.. they don't shoot each other nor do they care about you.

Plus the bugs/issues plenty of people had.. taking 2-3 yrs to fix this game with '2.0' which people claim you should be happy its free lmao. Its an update it better be free.

The least they could of done with the DLC was add percentage off of their fk up but no.

Their moderators/admins also are abusive pricks who don't allow any legit criticism. They'll ban you for simply calling someone ignorant about blant obvious issues. I hope CDPR burns

Its.. alright. I never cared for older AC and its annoying parkour mechanics considering they could be very frustrating at times.

The RPG element I liked a fair bit but its not really and AC game which tbh if they just called it something else maybe people wouldn't of been so angry at it.

My biggest gripe is theres too much to do. I'm 40 hours in and done maybe 1/3 or half of the story. Its one of those games that tried to throw in 20-30 things so you'd spend 100 hrs on it hopefully. Most of it pointless.

If you like exploration and vikings you'll probably like it. Might return to it when I'm not burnt out from it.

Homefront 2011 had a 2-4 hour campaign and its still miles better than this farcry clone.

Characters are bland and boring.. story is especially crappy with how they claim the US military legit just buys all these weapons/tanks/planes with never checking the software for backdoors basically.

Sure the original's doesn't make a lot of sense either for NK to EMP the US but to claim the US is so incompetent to never check military stuff is awful writing.

All you do is run here and destroy for all of the game basically.. or hack devices.

Crytek sucks at making games and got lucky with Crysis

Rebooted with cringy remake of characters.
Story is cowardly enough not to simply revamp the old story, cause for some reason portraying russia in a civil war or war with Europe is bad.

Doesn't help just playing the campaign costs 100gb or more due to them forcing crappy warzone.

MP is funish

Its a giant cash grab on a loyal fanbase
[I quit at mission 14 of 18 - took 9 hours on hard]

No co-op/mp or skirmish. They either don't have the coding knowledge or chose not to add it.

The pathfinding sucks mixed with your units not knowing how to move and shoot.

Scorpions are severely overpowered. You have bug hives to take out which means napoleon firing formations.. they spawn every 3-5 seconds and in some missions might be 3-5 hives in one spot.. they one-two hit your troops with a laser every 3-5 seconds.

Marauders the big walking mechs are legit swiss cheese for any special unit they do legit so little damage it takes forever to win even with 3 of them. They should of had mortar upgrades or abilities considering so many of the bugs have mortars.

Theres no real base building its basically dawn of war 3..

It might be fun for 5-10$ but for 20-30$ no pass hard on this game.

The fact they abandoned SP for shark cards
The fact they sent cease and desist orders to modders who made mp from their own code.
The fact they are slowly turning into a scummy company more and more

The story in SP is generic af with nothing to do outside of it.

The campaign is short but the characters are enjoyable essentially the main two BT and Cooper.

Combat is definitely a improvement over the original.

MP is fun that unfortunately had hackers ruin the servers/etc but EA finally decided to fix it.. however damage has been done so not many left playing it.

Unfortunately it didn't do so hot in sales with a short campaign.

It had a lot of potential to compete against COD/BF if it was done better. I like this game a lot however.. usually return to play its campaign.

Also has no bots so the MP is dead, bots should be default.

I'm not sure what drugs these people are on in comments.

Its a fun casual point and click game with some elements of realism to it. Its not hardcore like squad or arma.

It can be boring but I don't know too many who play it that often without friends anyway..

They might have 'dlc' but they also add maps/content for free still after 4 yrs of release. Which I dont get why people are whining over cosmetic skins.

Pretty fun if you're a fan of GotG crew.

Has its moments where it can be boring and or repetitive, was expecting a little more exploration out of it not just linear missions back to back.

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Idc what others think but removing two of the main characters for some made up important NPC is silly bad writing.

PC port wise was done horribly.

Only for the end to basically be 'revenge r bad'
Its not a masterpiece like some think its just bad.. the characters from OG aren't even themselves.