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Every I know that has watched Peaky Blinders on Netflix, loves it! The ones who don't are pathological liars.
So to see a game featuring this show would obviously make me go: "Bloody hell, Whas dis than?" and upon checking it out, it wasn't the usual format of game I'm used to or enjoy but this one was quite fun.

Basically the concept of this game is that you play as the peaky blinders, ranging from Tommy to Arthur to John, Ada, Polly & even Fin the little lad before he became some exiled rat. Each character has their unique traits in gameplay.
Ada can distract guards, Polly can pay off coppers and open locked doors, Arthur and John are fighters, Tommy can use his influence to make use of NPC's and Fin can pretty much crawl under any hole in the wall, through windows, pickpocket and all that good stuff.

The gameplay loop is you using all these characters to complete your objective and finish the level (there are 10 levels in total) in a timely manner to get one of three tiers.
Gold, Silver or Bronze. Gold being really fast, silver being a bit slower and bronze is for the ones that are seriously slow.
But you can also rewind time and you're gonna have to if you want to use all 5 characters and still finish the level in about 4 minutes or less depending on how big the level is.
The entire game you'll play with a timeline that records all your movements, actions, etc. per character.
So if you use Tommy to walk to a peaky blinder, ask him to do something or pick something up & what not, this timeline records it and when you rewind it and let it play, the game goes through the exact same movements. This is where you would switch to another character like Ada or Arthur and while the game goes through your recorded movement with Tommy, you can do whatever needs doing with Arthur without having to fear that Tommy is hanging about waiting for you.

This concept turned me off at first because it seemed complicated but once you get the hang of it and know how each character works and you are familiar with the levels, this becomes really fun and getting a better time becomes natural, it's something you want to strive for.

Some levels are quite big and you need to finish them in 7 minutes in game time, in real time you're probably spending near 20 or so minutes getting everything ready, making sure all characters go through the right movements in order to make it all come together.
You'll have to puzzle and try a lot of things, make sure to time a lot of things correctly and try to make all the characters work in harmony which is a direct result coming from you, if you screw up in the timeline with any character, things won't go the way they should and you'll have to correct it somehow.

Interesting game, pretty fun after an hour once you really start to understand the game and the story takes place before season 1 so no spoilers for those who are planning to watch it or are currently watching, definitely worth a try