This game is the reason why I'm depressed

I got my ass beaten by weebs. I hate this.

The same as the earlier games but somehow worse

The fact that people on Twitter misinterpret the game at least once a week might just prove the game has poor writing.
Or Twitter is just stupid.
Edit: It's both.

This review was written before the game released

I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the game, but in reality, it really is just a dumbed-down version of Overwatch

The game's only redeeming quality can be found in Act 1, which takes 20 minutes to finish

I was NOT paid by Neil Druckmann or any Naughty Dog executive to rate this game 5 stars

This is definitely one of the "It gets good after 20 hours" games. I've tried to get into it twice but both attempts were unsuccessful