7 reviews liked by ToetanGameOn

Such a great finale for Uncharted. Possibly one of the greatest action adventure games out there. The world is beautiful and realistic, yet it plays to that "hidden world" fantasy the Uncharted games usually show off.

Time travel, puzzles and spooky atmosphere? Sign me up! I was pretty excited to start this game due to the artwork looking really nice and my interest in time traveling.

Sadly, the story and puzzles were very lackluster. It repeatedly mentions that it's about time travel, all the time. You forget? Nah nah, it is about time travel, you know. It's weird, but also gets quite boring fast. I did like the jumping from the present to the future mechanic a lot and using that for the puzzles was fun, even though the puzzles themselves were very easy to figure out.

The artwork is really nice and I was surprised how amazingly this pc-port of a mobile game worked out so well. The clicking did get a little annoying at times, I wished I could have used the arrow keys to move around. The soundtrack of the game was also quite interesting, as it was pretty silent most of the times, I guess hence the name, but there were some really cool atmospheric sounds used that gave the game an eerie feeling, which worked really well with the story.

I do think this game is worth playing through, but maybe get it at a sale? Very interesting game.

Theres something really special about this game. Hard to point to one thing but its sort of a shame it never really got super popular or anything. Its in that wonky ass limbo state where its not quite completely unknown but like 80% of people are going to ask you what an oxenfree is. Anyways play it.

If you wanna know anything about this game: its best to go in blind but all you really need to know is its a supernatural character based story. Reministant in ways to games like Detroit become human or whatever but betterer

A lot of people hate this game, but I love it a lot. It is one of those classic games I played growing up.

However, it does pain me to know the game could've been better though, and that I could've had a better experience.

This game gave me such a feeling of dread but also made me feel whimsical. The boarded up doors, the BATHTUB, the BUNKER… this game is a perfect representation of how mourning is more then just losing someone..

I loved this game so much I played it through again immediately after I finished

Something just clicked, man; the whole whimsically tragic nature of the whole thing; the fact that it was like playing a Neil Gaiman novel...man, it just enveloped me in the best possible way

so pretty. absolutely perfect. i played this game in one sitting on my 16th birthday and it’s such a core memory