18 reviews liked by Tofire

Not to be the feminist in the room, but the art was clearly made by men or people who really thought "why don't we put a lot of fanservice in the climax moments?"
This made me perceive the game a bit plain, redundant and disgusting after a while and I'm sad about it because I was vibing with the story

Thinking about this game, the discourse around it, the developers, the streamers, the players, the supporters, gives me spiritual depression

It's all just weird vibes, nothing else. The art & music is great at times, and I can hardly think of a game more successfully surrealist. But actually playing this is a drag. Just looking cool is simply not enough when playing your game feels like a waste of time.

anyone who says any fnaf game is worse than this is wrong

Though the circumstances around this game dev team are inconclusive, it's sincerely tragic that this game has been (probably) abandoned. It's a really cool project with a visible amount of passion put into it, built on the foundation of a very engaging gameplay loop. The writing is incredibly sincere and character connections feel real, to some degree. There was a massive amount of potential here. It's unavailable to purchase on Steam so if you ever get a chance to play it through "other means" I would highly recommend it. Even if you purchase a key for it on a third party website I would say it's well worth the asking price in its currently unfinished state, the first campaign is really good and the sandbox has plenty of content. I got an easy fifty hours just achievement hunting out of it.

i played this when i was like 8, also fuck you

I expected just bizarre and bitching but I also got a lot of cute moments and amazing character development. I just wish it was a little shorter because for me, this kind of game gets cloying after a while, so much so that in the end I just wanted it to be over soon and I ended up skipping a lot of dialogue... really, there are some arcs and useless moments that if taken away would not be missed.