Kholat 2015

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 29, 2024

Platforms Played


if i was rating this for other people, i'd just refuse to rate it, but since i'm rating it for myself i get to do whatever i want!!!!!!!

the instant i realized what type of game this was, with its huge open level design and no guidance of substance, and making me read a map without giving me video game map superpowers, i just opened up a walkthrough and followed that

it's honestly a beautiful game, although for some reason my beefy machine struggled on the highest settings, yikes, but i'm just so prone to getting lost and frustrated in these types fo games that i had to give up right away

i'm vaguely familiar with the incident this is based off of, thanks to a podcast that talked about it once, so that was a neat little connection to the real world, although i doubt there's any weird shadow people wandering the mountains out there
