no underwater combat so its automatically a goated game

surprisingly not that bad for a dsiware game but its still somewhat bland

only reason this aint a 1/10 is because i had a bit of fun sometimes and i could see that they really tried to do everything they could with the time they had but the fact that sega thought it was even remotely okay to release the game in this state is baffling

an improvement over the original in most areas, besides gameplay related areas which were the biggest blemish on rivals 1. level designs are still insultingly simplistic and mind-numbingly boring while the boss fights continue to drag on for way longer than any sonic boss should. the main story is decently fun on your first playthrough but i cannot imagine anyone being willing to replay it as every character (theres 8 of them) since its almost the exact same experience, just with different signature abilities, which dont really impact the game as much as you would think. overall, rivals 2 is a better game than its predecessor but that isnt saying much.