One of the best SRPGs released in recent years. Highly recommend.

I personally really enjoyed this game for it being a big sandbox and some of the experimental levels. Its not for everyone though. If you enjoyed the 3ds games and Fates in particular I recommend giving it a shot at least.

Best story presentation in the series, and among the best story wise. From that alone I highly recommend it. The gameplay is a little different from most FE games playing much more into the RPG elements of the series.

One of the most barebones and boring gacha I've played. Lacks a lot of substance and depth to make it worth really getting into.

Fun game, easy to jump into with an emulator and a translation patch. Its Fire Emblem boiled down to its most basic form and is really where modern FE started.

Has a few problems design wise but largely a fun SRPG.

Its a fun gacha for a bit, gives an RPG like experience for a series that largely lacks that currently.

But once you get through the 1st part of the story it starts to drag with poor design decisions and artificial difficulty.

Also severely lacks a lot of QoL features that are essential for gacha like auto battle. And the rates are atrocious.

Langrisser is an interesting remake, staying very faithful to the original 2 games with some QoL and expanded features.

Take Fire Emblem, Langrisser, and Civilization and throw it in a blender, you get Brigantine. Its an interesting SRPG with management aspects for your kingdom, trading the typical chapter to chapter format for one based around conquering other fortresses of enemy nations and trying to take the entire continent. It does contain a story with actual characters, though its not the strongest I've seen.

A new game based on the original from 1998. It contains some QoL features and some expanded ideas from the original, with an all new continent and nations to use.

Difficulty is a bit off, and I think the bonus mode being timed was a mistake, but if you're looking for something interesting to try, give it a shot.

A unique SRPG, being a bit of Fire Emblem and Xcom played through an almost 3rd person shooter look. The story is fun and has some good moments with a nice cast of characters.

Gameplay wise its really solid, addressing some of the issues from VC1 and with new additions like mortars and more vehicles.

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Gameplay is a fun, unique concept that makes it worth playing to experience that alone.

Story wise its nothing special, consisting of the typical JRPG story of a nation being invaded by the big bad empire. The cast is mostly rather boring, or even unlikable, one in particular even regressed as a character as the story continued.

Fun enough game if you're looking for something to goof around with as some of your favorite marvel characters. Story is nothing special to downright kind of cringy at times with a bit of an over reliance of playing off of the MCU rather than the really expensive storylines that could have been used from the comics (Onslaught would have been an excellent choice for a UA game)

Gameplay is fun, though it plays a bit more button mashy than the original 2 games, dropping the specific combos and skill lists in favor of only 4 skills, no passive, and just 2 attacks. Much more simplified. Also has an over reliance on gimmicky boss fights.

The strongest part of the game is the roster, the roster is mostly really good, choosing a good cast of xmen, avengers, and various solo characters. Bringing in several firsts for the series like Punisher, Nigntcrawler, Wasp, Cyclops, Colossus, Elsa Bloodstone, and more.

Very fun action game. The cast isn't the best, dropping a lot of UA1's cast and bringing in a few odd choices.

Plays off of the Civil War storyline with a few new twists and turns. Let's the player decide what side they want to come down on, offering a different cast to use dependent upon that choice. Unfortunately due to the nature of the rights problems with characters, some of the DLC is no longer available so having access to the full cast isn't possible.

Still the best of the Ultimate Alliance series, with a good cast of characters to choose from, and featuring a completely new story that plays off of various ideas from the comics. Still has the widest range of enemies as well, with everything from Ultron, the Mandarin, and Loki, to Arcade, MODOK, Fin Fang Foom, and other lesser known marvel villains.

Great action rpg built around the Xmen. Uses the Age of Apocalypse story line but with their own unique takes.

The cast of characters contains a bunch of good choices besides maybe one or two, all with several skills, passive, and even equipment to manage among the group. All characters also have several costumes to flip between, including their Age of Apocalypse variants.

The game has a nice variety of enemies and bosses, featuring some more obscure villains from the Xmen, and really plays into the aesthetic from the Age of Apocalypse arc.

Highly recommend if you're a Marvel fan and looking for a fun 4 player action rpg.