This is one of the most frustrating games I've played. The core concept of defending towns from rampaging giants is cool and can be fun in short bursts. The story is pretty bland but the characters actually manage to be fairly likeable.

That's where the positives end. The gameplay never evolves beyond introducing more frustrating enemy types as the game progresses. The controls are really bad, the main character is very slippery and will often get stuck on geometry or in the armpit of one of the monsters. Combat against the smaller enemies is just tedious button-mashing. Some later enemy types wear armor that must be removed to defeat them but the requirements to break the armor are really annoying and rely on the very spotty enemy AI doing certain attacks. Overall, despite a decent concept a lack of polish ruins the game.

It's fun to explore parts of Middle-Earth that weren't visited in the previous game and it still has all the classic LEGO charm. But the fact that the last part of the Hobbit story was never put in the game leaves it incomplete which is a real shame.

It's a classic but the Sonic formula hadn't quite been polished yet so it doesn't hold up as well as the sequels. Not all of the levels really play to Sonic's strengths.

As a huge One Piece fan, I had a lot of fun with this game. The roster is diverse and large, including most major characters introduced at the time of the game's release. The stages look really good and the fact that they managed to include nearly all the arcs up until Dressrosa is impressive.

It was fun for a bit but I just lost interest in it after a while. By now they've probably added some more games but I don't feel much of a drive to return.

I had only played the Street Fighter IV games previously so this was a great deal for me. I enjoyed every game in the collection except SF I and it has lots of neat extras.

There's definitely some fun to be had in this game, especially if you are a fan of Shonen Jump. But the gameplay is very shallow and spammy and the story mode is painful due to boring cutscenes, stupid plot developments, and blatantly cheap and unfair AI. It can be enjoyable in small doses though and just being able to use all these iconic characters is enjoyable.