"Too Old To Enjoy"

I decided to try the original Civilization, but I was only able to find a copy through a DOS-emulator online. It ran through a web page, and was a chore to understand how to run. Finally I was able to load the game and start playing.

This game is ancient in all of the worst ways. There is no real tutorial, and instructions on how to play are bloated and hard to decipher. The graphics are blocky, the music is loud and irritating, and the gameplay was barely functional.

Overall, I would Not Recommend playing this entry. It is much too old to really provide anything other than a glance at the franchise's early roots, and honestly it deserves to be left behind in history. Later titles add tutorials and clearer communication to the player about expected goals, as well as a plethora of new features.

Final Verdict: 1/10 (Terrible)

Reviewed on Aug 17, 2021
