"Great Set Of Extra Levels That Speeds Up Gameplay"

'Actual Playtime Through Quakespasm ~ 3-4 Hours'

The first mission pack provided for QUAKE was surprisingly great, and showcases a time in which "DLC" and "Expansions" added much more to the game in question. In "Scourge Of Armagon", the player once again must keep the Earth from being overrun by a new legion of monsters, and this time things are really cranked up a notch. The gunplay and level design is adjusted to be much faster paced than the original title, and while the atmosphere suffers a bit due to faster gameplay, the speed definitely helps the flow of combat. At times, it could feel exhilarating, dodging multiple enemy attacks like the game was a bullet-hell.

The soundtrack is still solid, although a bit more abrasive and less atmospheric than the original from Nine Inch Nails. I did like more of the levels and the placements of enemies, though there is an increase in locations where the player will die instantly without being able to gain any information. These were frustrating moments that ultimately serve as a product of the time period this game was released, but didn't damage the whole experience enough to let it affect my playthrough.

Ultimately, this is just more QUAKE , which is great! It's around half the length of the original title, which is fine for an expansion/mission pack. I can easily Recommend this title to anyone who was a fan of the original game!

Final Verdict: 7/10 (Good)

Reviewed on Aug 17, 2021
