I'm a bit shocked, flabbergasted, completely bamboozled actually.
This is THE game of 2017? If i hadn't played with friends, I'm not even sure I would have finished this at all.

There are just so many weird decisions I can neither make heads or tails of.
First, the basics: the control scheme is all over the place. One button is never used except for "interaction" (talk, pick things up), but sprinting and jumping are the farthest apart...like a combination you're likely gonna use very often. And you can't change the control scheme except for switching jumping and sprinting... Was this an inside joke?

Then there is weapons breaking. I've heard how this supposedly gets you to try different ones, but...there are only like what 5(?) different types of weapons? What are You supposed to try out then for 50-100 hours? That just means a fight might be a potential loss of resources, especially when you don't know if the one you will be getting will be even as good. A lot of the enemies being damage sponges also didn't help.

Fighting in general will mostly be a nuisance cause you will lose more resources than you're getting. Ressourcen overall make this game a chore. Got hit by an enemy? Well there goes all your health, better eat 20 apples/ a cooked meal. This area is too cold, this one too hot, better grind out clothes or potions to resist that. Wanna endure any hit whatsoever? Better grind out that armor or do a couple of shrines. Wanna be able to climb or get across a lake? Better grind out shrines so you can cross a small lake a ten year old me could have crossed.

Shrines in general can be fun, but often they get repetitive or tedious cause you need to be able to finish them from the very start, never evolving your tool set or making the riddles more interesting. The same is true for the divine beasts making it possible to cheese almost everything. And because so many things were tedious I wanted to cheese as much as possible. Many people love how you can do anything but the most pragmatic approach is often super boring.

"Everyone can play this game like they want" isn't really true. Either you're good enough to speedrun it or just scavenging resources for bosses and better equipment. A lot of which, you could also miss. Friend had to look up a guide to get to the guy were you can exchange the korok seeds. You know a fundamental part of the game. Same with the fairies. What kind of design is that of you might miss fundamentals? (Some shrines will also need you to have arrows, don't have any well tough luck, again talking bad design)

Then there are so many things that - it seemed to me- were made useless on purpose:

Horses can't hear you and have to pass obstacles in real time (except for stables) just doesn't make me use them cause it ain't worth it. leaving me to pass the endless planes of this open world, while I hope I will finally reach my destination.

Rain and slippery surfaces just effectively give you a time-out. Wanna do anything? Just wait for the rain to stop!
And what kind of idea is this game having about physics anyway? Lightning strikes you specifically when you wear anything made out of metal. That's how lightning works. Other times electricity works as you would expect in real life. (The ragdoll physics and sometimes the mechanics will be super wonky too).

On a more personal note:
I genuinely hated this game's approach to implementing music. A whole lot of nothing, you climb a mountain and then you hear three notes. I really developed a hate for these sections. Didn't work for me at all and all I could do to was making fun of them to get any sort of entertainment.

I also never found a game this hard to READ. When my friend played for a whole session I wondered how much he gathered from the overworld and found things to do. I just saw empty plains of nothingness. Didn't know a row of trees was supposed to be interesting.
(It also didn't help that the light effects often made me see nothing at all, and with no options to tweak this, I realized for the first time how important accessibility options are)

What I did like, was mostly stuff you'd find in a classic Zelda game. Eccentric characters, interesting places (when I came to the towns like the city of the gerudo or places like the korok forest) and the boss fights were at least alright, most of the time. I didn't find many memories, but the ones I did find were actually kinda cool. Wish they weren't as hidden on the map.

All in all this was maybe the biggest disappointment and I will never trust anybody of you ever again. If I hadn't had so mich fun hanging out with my friends while playing this, I would have never finished it.

Reviewed on Jul 12, 2023
