Log Status






Time Played

80h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

June 23, 2023

First played

May 4, 2023

Platforms Played


Absolute peak Yakuza story-telling far as I'm concerned, as it concerns the duality of two characters, one that's on the lowest point of his life seeking a simple justice, and another at the highest point of his life seeking retributive justice.

The RPG mechanics are kind of hit-or-miss if I have to be honest. It's perfectly functional and the skills all have their niches. However, on higher difficulties, these skills all don't scale well, because all enemies become damage sponges.

There is also a noted difficulty spike in the midgame after the game gives you an optional power-leveling location. This is good in a sense because the characters involved in that area should be strong, but this also kills pacing.

Many times I've considered dropping the game due to its schizophrenic pacing.