69 reviews liked by Trapper0505

i saw two people i follow mark that they want to play this and figured it was worth adding a review to mention (esp. b/c of the hard-to-google title) that about a year ago its developer took all their games off itch and it's no longer available there.

which is a bummer, this had a neat vibe, it was the first bitsy 3d game i played where i really felt that framework worked for it, and still probably my favorite thing made with it. if i learn that it's resurfaced i'll pass the word on.

EDIT: hideous cave goblin has temporarily made several of their games, including this one, public again

I absolutely loved this. Did I understand it? No. But did I feel it? Oh yeah. The vibe is very rust belt-esque, and I like how it's obviously post/post-post apocalyptic, but there's not a sense of imminent fear or danger, just sadness.

Capitalist Cats. (it's basically a silly game more about getting achievements)

Like the other, not worth it especially the paid DLC

I always like that each time you find a cat, the achievement shows you its name. Portfolio! Dividend! Lotto! Porche!

game made me cry over an unnamed side character that i didnt know i cared about 10/10

the most i've loved a game's story since Heaven Will Be Mine.

There were a few times where I was sure the game was going to end, and it didn't - and it was a much more interesting game for continuing.

I don't think I've played a game of this scale that was this specific and personal before. Because of that, in a way, it felt like it held me at arm's length. There was a distance. But it still held me.

interesting. unsettling, although that may be because i played it at 11pm in the dark alone. was kinda hard to tell if things were glitches or intentional sometimes, which is a bad sign, but i didn't hate it.