I definitely am writing this a month and a half after finishing the game. So, things are a lot less vivid. Psychonauts is a pretty passible action platforming game that is elevated by Double Fine's creativity. The overall story is fine. The combat is fine. The platforming? Guess what. It's fine. The sheer fineness of it all doesn't really matter when you're a human shaped kaiju in a city populated by fish or trying to discover the identity of THE MILKMAN. Text really can't quickly convey the mythic status ascribed to THE MILKMAN within the game. I wasn't laughing out loud at everything, but a smile was consistently on my face. Something that's probably going to stick with me for a while is, even 15+ years later, there's not a lot of 3D games that use very strong cartoon proportions for human characters. There's some really striking levels as well where that the physics and level design do not follow the rules of our physical world. Another thing that is not explored very often. The reason to play the game is for some silliness and to see a lot of things you just don't see anything close to in a lot of other games.

Reviewed on Apr 03, 2023
