Beautiful graphics and a surprisingly well written story. The gameplay and battles are fun and I really like the idea of being able to switch out members of your party during battles without penalty, but the gimmick only felt utilized on the final boss. Regardless, I knew I was enjoying the game when I found myself fishing and doing other side quests for hours on end which is stuff I don’t normally do in games unless I truly enjoy my time with them.

I think Breath of Fire 3 is the overall better game, but this is my favorite out of the 4.

Reviewed on Dec 10, 2023


1 month ago

I have been wanting to start the game in parts 3 and 4 of the series for a very long time, but there was always one question that tormented me and did not allow me to start playing: How important is it to learn mob skills? Are there any tips or guides?

1 month ago

@Atalian Learning the mob skills is the fun of the game i dont think i went out of my way to learn any in 3 (not even sure if they exist in that game honestly) but in 4 it was a pretty big mechanic. You never need to learn any of them but it helps spice up and get the most out of the game in my opinion. The main thing you should utilize is the party member switch mechanic, especially if you opt to not care as much about the mob skills.

As far as guides go I don’t use them when I play my games so I couldn’t help you there. I just fought enemies and waited to see if I would learn a skill or not

1 month ago

I mean, every time you encounter a new mob, do you start fighting with an attempt to learn the enemy's skills, or is there some kind of pattern to when it's best to use study skills? This is a very important question for me because I don't see the "COLLECT THEM ALL" mechanic in any games from Pokemon to the secret entrances found in the excluded previous levels in Super Mario.

1 month ago

@Atalian I remember there being a visual indicator as to which moves could be learned from enemies, I think the move text was blue when it wasn't learnt by a party member... something like that. I didn't go out of my way to get all of them though, I would just defend to learn new moves whenever a move was strong or helpful.

1 month ago

You have my gratitude, I think I can start from III soon