More interesting than good, the story is fine, the gameplay is fine, everything is fine. The only real standout part of this game is the dialogue, the characters here are absolutely insane and hearing their random quips interjected throughout your hours of cutting down waves of enemies gives just enough motivation to explore the games different endings.

This game grows on you considerably as you play. Each route adds just enough details to the overall mystery to keep you thinking. It's a slow drip of information that encourages you to solve the mystery and theorize for yourself rather than just going along with the ride. The puzzles are similar in having that perfect level of complexity. They make you think but aren't so obtuse that you ever feel like anything is impossible. No convoluted sequences you need to follow, no pixel hunts, just short logic puzzles you can solve in one sitting. When you reach a plot revelation or solve a puzzle, you feel good knowing you figured things out on its own. It's a fairly short and simple game, but it knows exactly where to focus to give you a fantastic experience to the end. Just don't quit after getting the knife ending, that left a sour taste in my mouth on my first try.

One of the best platformers I've played. High energy, amazing music, incredibly fun level design. The gameplay is simple but each level makes the most of it and it works for all levels of play. You can slowly struggle your way through each level and wont be penalized for it if you want a more casual experience, or if you want to get the highest rank of every level you can roll around at the speed of sound like some Italian hedgehog.

A pretty lackluster addition to the game. Adds a new dungeon, one new demon, a new superboss, and a new sidestory. Going through the additions one by one, the dungeon is awful. It's the same floor structure copy and pasted 20 times with a miniboss every once and a while, there aren't even any new enemies to be faced here. I feel like I spent more time on loading screens between floors than actually exploring the dungeon. The new demon is cool, but by the time you unlock it you'll probably already be done with everything in the game since you need to beat by far the hardest fight in order to get it. Speaking of said battle, the new superboss is probably the only redeeming aspect of this DLC. I played through this on the hard difficulty and it provided a decent challenge, it's a typical Atlus puzzle boss. Not the hardest battle once you have a fully maxed out team (which will take a long time to grind for) and figure out all the tricks, by the end it felt more like a battle of endurance than anything else but I enjoyed it. The final addition of this DLC was the bonus story arc, this was incredibly lackluster. Not only was the story incredibly generic and forgettable, but details of it can be missed entirely if you've progressed too far into the game before starting the DLC. Very poorly implemented into the base game. As a whole, I wouldn't really recommend buying this. If you manage to get it at a steep discount or acquire it through... other means I'd say go for it only if you really liked the base game and want to extend the experience just a little bit since it's fairly short.

A barebones but decent game. Combat system feels a little boring at the start but once you start to unlock all the upgrades it really starts to shine, still not quite as good as press turn and it was probably a mistake to have so much of it tied behind upgrades. The gameplay loop is pretty tedious, but honestly that's what you want sometimes. It scratches that grindy jrpg itch (and towards the end it can get pretty grindy to be ready for the superbosses). Don't go into this expecting a masterpiece but if you're a SMT fan who just wants a mindless title to kill some time between games it's enjoyable enough.