1 review liked by Tromantic

one of the most viscerally unsatisfying and frustrating games i've ever played, Sonic the Secret Rings feels like it should have just been a tech demo that got shelved. disregarding its narrative, level design, enemies, bosses, art, music, etc. Secret Rings is just unfathomably broken. Sonic's core appeal is movement - going fast and eating ass - but Secret Ring's delayed, inaccurate motion controls are not a functional replacement for a regular-ass controller. there's no point getting into its other elements (they aren't good either) because you can't engage with them without the pitiful little Wii controller struggling to make any actual inputs happen or even make Sonic slothfully slide a couple centimetres to the right.

i got this game for christmas as a kid with a Wii and Mario Galaxy. i played this game before Galaxy and had a 'oh no did i ask for something stupid and waste my parent's money' moment of extreme guilt and i probably only played this for like 20 minutes before quitting and feeling like i committed some grand sin. was my first Sonic game, too.