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April 30, 2023

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As sad as it is to say… there may have been too many cooks in the kitchen for this sequel.

I seem to be in the minority on this one… but for me, Overcooked 2 played out on the surface as bigger journey that followed the same plot beats as its predecessor while somehow delivering less payoff in the process.

In an effort to have a bigger map and more intricate level design, they sacrifice the charming simplicity of the originals gameplay and over convolute the mechanics, turning a seemingly classic dish into something almost unpalatable.

There’s a ton of needlessly complex design choices that turn a lot of the game stale. The map itself is harder to traverse, and not in a way that offers anything fun for the player. The levels themselves are less about struggling to make the dishes and more about traversing wacky obstacles, which just felt really out of place.

I think a lot of what worked about the first game is still imbedded in the DNA of this one. The problem is just about everything they’ve added since then.

The only new addition I found myself enjoying was the throwing mechanic. It was useful many times throughout the game, and it was a great way to keep the flow of the gameplay going. I believe more additions to the gameplay like this would have made Overcooked 2 slightly better, but unfortunately the wrong ingredients were prioritized.