The last of us part II challenges its player to trust the storytelling even when it can seem frustrating, scary, or useless at times.

All things purposefully culminate in the most brutal, unflinching, and beautifully heartbreaking way… leaving you haunted by what you’ve experienced by the time it’s finished.

It’s hard to add new things to the conversation when it comes to this game. But it’s easy to confront some of the criticisms I’ve heard.

I’ve seen people talk about how Ellie is a completely different character with a different personality… and for that they’re upset. Yes, she was an easy going, optimistic, bright spirited kid who liked to make cheesy jokes in the first game. That’s gone here.

She’s so jaded by everything that’s happened since then that she’s less than half of the person she used to be… and that’s the point. It’s literally reflected in the song Joel sings to her. The same one she attempts to play at the very end of the game.

Of course there’s the argument of what happens to Joel in the game as well. I don’t see why this is an issue. They’ve been setting this story up in the first game… and it’s hilarious to think that there wouldn’t be consequences for Joel’s actions.

And of course… playing as Abby. Now this is the only criticism I’ve seen that I can understand on some level. It’s hard to pick up and play as a character that you initially loath. Especially when they’ve hurt another character that you love. With that said… I don’t think Neil Druckmann could have handled her story any better.

Though the initial disdain for Abby is set, it’s easier to connect to her journey as you continue playing. Thus building your own connection to her world of characters and goals. You’re supposed to dislike Abby at first. It was all written with extreme purpose and attention to detail. The dual stories colliding in the last few hours of the game is some of the most riveting storytelling I’ve ever experienced.

My only real issue with this behemoth of a game is it’s runtime. It can be… exhausting. I think if they trimmed a bit of fat off of both Ellie and Abby’s gameplay, it would be much more concise, and entertaining. Not to pretend that it isn’t already though.

This game is much more mean spirited than the first. It’s angrier. Its feral. It’s so ferocious it’s practically foaming at the mouth to bite you. Let it. The pain is worth enduring. You’ll be in for a real blood-soaked, bone shattering, metal-as-hell treat. With it’s ridiculously good game design, and one of a kind story telling… you’d be doing a disservice to yourself for passing it up.

Reviewed on Feb 05, 2023


1 year ago

was anxious to see what you thought of this game. glad you enjoyed it

1 year ago

@skeleseer I’ve been dying to play it since finishing the first game!

I would have picked it up sooner, but literally after beating remastered, my ps4 just stopped working.

I had to get a new one because I needed to know what happened next before it was spoiled for me! Loved every second of this game though.

It’s hard to progress and keep watching because of how well set the stakes are. That final fight with Abby, I spend like, 5 minutes procrastinating because I couldn’t bring myself to kill her 😅