281 Reviews liked by Turbolink

A lot of what I can say about this has already been said by many others, it's definitely deserving of the praise it gets though. Replaying this 2 years later was an absolute joy, and it only got better after playing the previous Xeno games. Well-developed characters, one of the best gaming soundtracks, and beautifully improved graphics. The gameplay is pretty great although I do think it might not be for everyone, it will most likely get more manageable as you progress through the game though. Just downright one of the best JRPGs ever made.

There is nothing in gaming that hits like an Uchikoshi game.

I did already love the first one, but AINI easily passed it, along with my high expectations for it. Definitely my new favorite Uchikoshi game!

Kotaro Uchikoshi has done it once again! AI: the Somnium Files nirvanA Initiative is every bit as much of a masterpiece as the first AI: The Somnium Files was. If the first AI was 999 then nirvanA Initiative is like VLR because it is darker, more emotional, longer and most importantly much more C O M P L E X (If you're a Zero Escape fan you'll get the joke).

In AI: The Somnium Files - nirvanA Initiative you follow the dual narrative of Mizuki Date and her AI companion Aiba and Ryuki Kuruto and his AI partner Tama, two ABIS (Advanced Brain Investigation Squad) agents tasked with solving the Half-Body serial killings case and to do this they'll have to use the special piece of technology known as the Psync System which allows agents to enter people's dreamscape worlds known as Somniums and obtain information from suspects and witnesses that they otherwise wouldn't be able to retrieve. Just who is the killer? What is their motive? Why has the other half of a body from 6 years ago appeared now as if they were just killed yesterday? This and so many more questions will be answered as you traverse a mind-bending narrative drenched in thought provoking philosophical symbolism spanning a 6 year time-period, multiple interconnected character plotlines and the most insane twists and turns imaginable in only a way Uchikoshi can write.

nirvanA Initiative features a huge cast of characters with many returning from the first AI and plenty new faces as well. Aside from Mizuki most of the returning characters have smaller side roles this time around and the game focuses much more on the new characters to give them sufficient time to have proper development and fully fleshed out arcs. I have to say that the cast of characters is one of the best I've ever seen in a game with them all being very interesting, lovable and well written. There's not a single character I dislike. I'd say the fantastic voice acting performances (I played in English and this game without a doubt has one of the best dubs I've experienced in years) are another reason the characters felt so realistic and human to me as well.

The gameplay in nirvanA Initiative also vastly surpasses the first AI. The Somnium sequences were already great, but now they're better than ever being much more than simple trial and error with so much more creative dreamscapes that feature various unique gimmick mechanics (Like a quiz show in one or a Pokemon style game in another) there's more emphasis on Zero Escape style puzzle solving as well. Another feature that adds more diversity to the gameplay are the VR crime scene segments where you control the protagonist and walk around in 3rd person trying to solve the mystery of a crime scene in a VR space outside of Somniums.

The OST composed by Keisuke Ito is just as memorable as ever from the ethereal sounding main theme which fits the title of the game perfectly to the mysterious electronic changed investigation theme or the various Somnium specific music. Oh and if you played the first game and experienced the greatness of Invincible Rainbow Arrow, don't worry there's a new musical/dance number just as great for this game.

Even graphically nirvanA Initiative is superior to the first AI, I wouldn't say it is by a lot, but it is noticeable. nirvanA Initiative is much more action packed than the first AI and filled with many in engine over-the-top cut-scenes and thanks to stepping up the quality of the animations these scenes are always a joy to watch and don't feel as janky as in the first game.

nirvanA Initiative is everything you could ever want from a sequel to an already peak visual novel, expanding upon the lore of the established AI universe while telling a mind-bending action-packed murder mystery narrative with a colorful cast of characters both new and old, featuring gameplay in the form of fun and creative puzzle solving and investigating and an OST full of plenty of killer memorable tracks, all while looking better than ever thanks to the improved graphics and animation quality. Simply put, if you're a fan of visual novels or just incredible murder mystery stories in general you don't want to miss out on this one because it is right up there with the best the genre has to offer!

P.S. nirvanA Initiative gave me a whirlwind of emotions and I cried at so many different spots, easily one of the most emotional games I've played in recent memory that just left me feeling drained emotionally by the end of it and I mean that in the best way possible.

An improvement over its first entry in pretty much every way that matters, Nirvana Initative uses the original's concepts and takes them way further, with more interesting somnia, deeper twists, very emotional dynamics and the sort of Uchikoshi-isms I'd expect from an Infinity or ZE title.

I went into this game scared that AI's mainstream appeal would keep Uchikoshi from being his usual weirdo freak self when it comes to using conventional narrative tropes to fuck you over, but I'll be damned. This game sure fucked me over big time.

My thirst for another Infinity game is not quite quenched, but I'm at least glad he can be just as wacky with his ideas, and I'm excited to see what he pulls next.

still my favourite 5th part to a story

still my favourite 6th part to a story

Despite this only being the second game in the Crossbell arc, Azure feels like it's paying off a saga's worth of plot threads in the state. Contains one of the longest climaxes I've seen in anything and every second of it was worth it. KeA top 1.

P.S. Anyone who thinks the antagonists are lackluster is illiterate.

Still my favourite 4th part to a story

Still my favourite 2nd part to a story

still my favourite start to a story

Playing the last part of this game on father's day hits different let me tell ya

Still on the search of a compelling argument as to why the second half is a downgrade

GOOOAAAAAATTTTTTT this game has no reason being this good

This is probably my favorite Trails starting point so far, and it's insane how it's only going to get better from here judging from how Falcom has handled Trails as a whole so far. Back to back amazing games all getting better as you go through them all, and Kuro 2 might surpass Hajimari/Reverie considering how much I enjoyed this one. To be honest I was already half-expecting this to be an awesome Trails game judging from the trailers/previews over the past months and it blew me away greatly once I finally finished it. I was a bit iffy on the new cast at first but as Trails characters have been handled lately, they quickly developed into great characters throughout the story's progression. Van especially, already some of the better Trails characters and this is just off the first game in a new arc.

The battle system succeeds the previous games in numerous ways, polished turn based combat and stellar graphics. The story is Trails' great storytelling as usual but it also goes more in-depth regarding the darker parts of the series which I really loved. Brings me so much joy seeing how far this series has come.