Spyro 3 is simultaneously the best and the worst in the classic trilogy. The good parts in this game are really good! This game delivers the most polished Spyro game, it adds improvements so strong that they're retroactively applied to the whole trilogy in Reignited, and it tells the best story with some of the best lines in the series.

Sadly, the game also uses the kitchen sink approach that plagued other games of this era like DK64 and Crash: Warped and a solid 30% of this game...I just don't really care for. Give me more of the good bits I already liked in this series, not a ton of variety that either lands perfectly or somersaults face-first into the pavement. All of my least favorite Classic Spyro missions and levels are bunched together in this game and it makes me dread replays of this game a lot more than the games that contain Tree Tops and the Breeze Harbor trolley.

...but despite all that I still give this game a 4 out of 5 because, even though I absolutely hate those speedway races and any time I have to play as Agent 9, the rest of the game is still very fantastic. The good stuff is just that good.

Reviewed on Dec 01, 2021
