If you're wondering "why don't people talk about this PS1 Bomberman game as fondly as Bomberman 64 or Bomberman Hero", it's because this game is not good. Sony kids got ripped off with this one.

This game has my least favorite Bomberman story mode campaign I've played so far, with a difficulty that's miraculously both too slow and boring (the levels) and extremely frustrating and cheap (the bosses). Since Bomberman dies in one hit, learning the boss patterns means death. Lots of it. This is a game that expects you to grind for power-ups before each boss if you want the smallest chance at survival, and redoing levels for 15 or so minutes just so that you can gather enough Bomb Ups and Fire Ups after you get a Game Over (of which there will be plenty as you learn boss patterns) is a miserable, grueling experience. None of these levels are exciting, and during my playthrough I had to revisit World 1-1 eight times before I was able to finally beat Earth Bomber and Whispy Woods, the very first set of bosses in the game.

There is a save function, but it only activates when you get a Game Over, so don't think you'll be clever and save-scum your way to victory. Bomberman World wants you to grind. Bomberman World wants you to sit through the unskippable dialogue before each boss. Your wasted time feeds Bomberman World.

There's also a password function, in which case, have fun trying to beat the final boss without a fully powered-up Bomberman. The grind is inevitable. Using a password only lessens the grind, never fully eliminating it.

The multiplayer is nice at least, but complimenting a Bomberman game for having a decent multiplayer is redundant. Of course it's cool to use the multitap to play Bomberman with five people, it's Bomberman. Bomberman 64 also has multiplayer and it's attached to a much better game. (A game that I rated a mere 3/5 because a game much better than this means "just okay")

Reviewed on Apr 20, 2022
