Very fun whenever you're blasting away regular grunts, but basically every thing else whether it be the other enemies, it's story, or attempts at horror really make the whole thing tedious, and mid way through it felt like the game had already given me everything worthwhile it could offer, even the novelty of the more intelligent AI feels like it gives up nearing the end.

Very close to a 9/10, some of these bosses especially the last one got me makin faces like 🫨🫨🫨

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The meta narrative isn't as interesting as it thinks it is, and it kind of dampens the experience after the first act, but its still a fun game.

I LOVE 21 ... however the survival plus variant of it has been wasting hours of my life these last couple days, so actually this is the worst thing ever. May the last 2 opponents rot in the video game equivalent of hell 🙏

Definitely the weakest mainline RE ( haven't played Village yet but I'll assume this will remain true ), but Chris's campaign is legitimately really fun to play, and the dynamic of Jake and Sherry in their campaign is pretty endearing.

Also even though Leon's is massively inconsistent, that element along with its mostly breakneck pace make it the most funny and absurd of the segments, so its got that going for it. Simmons animoprhing business goes crazy.

Game lives and dies by whether Alfred is present. Same can be said for Steve, but he's more on the die end of that spectrum where as Alfred gives me nothing but joyus symphonies

How do you peak on case 1 ? Impressively mid. Big Top solos this whole game easy.