Rayman 3 2003

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 21, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


As much as I like me some 2D Rayman action, I can't recommend this one. Because of the GBA's screen size, everything feels too zoomed-in, leading to some blind jumps and unfair deaths. This game also likes to hide things behind the player when they first enter a stage very often.

For example, when I encountered the first boss, I had no clue how to fight it. I punched at it, and it did no damage. I thought maybe I need to jump over to the other side and do something to the gears on it. I tried that and fell to my death. Upon respawning, a message appeared giving a tutorial on throwing barrels, and I thought to myself "What barrels?" I then moved Rayman an inch to the left, and the camera swiveled over and there was the barrel. There are zero indicators that it's there when you enter the fight.

What made me drop this game was the second boss. After getting through a bad stage full of platforms you need to hit in order to be able to jump on, I was completely done with the gimmick. Imagine to my surprise that it would be a key feature in the next boss fight, which really doesn't like to count some of your punches as connecting with the platforms! Two Game Over's later, I'm completely done with this fight and have no desire to see what lies beyond it.

Maybe you'll have more patience for this game than I did, but I know where I stand on this one, and that is on a solid 2/5.