This is a certified we have Splatoon at home moment and that's perfectly okay XD.

"Look how they massacred my boy"
Don Corleone.
The Godfather.

I loved Fairy Fencer F Advert Dark Force (My favourite Compile Hearts game), but this spinoff/squeal hybrid is a frustratingly disappointing poorly constructed mess of a game that lacks purpose, charm and substance.

SJRPG combat is dreadful as it's the same enemies models over and over even when their change colour at times.

Terrible leveling up progression where you can only level up, by performing actions during fights, resulting the game to be a aimless grindfeast.
Barely any strategy to the combat, most sub fairys are worthless to your arsenal.

Story and characters, one of the best aspects of Advert Dark Force, is a drastic downgrade.
The story feels like a uninspired fanfiction of it's former self and the writing took a major hit, causing plot holes and various bad writing that barely existed in Advert Dark Force.

While it's was great to see the Fairy Fencer F cast again, they were done dirty here.
Many of them are given nothing to do and they just along for the ride with barely any substance.
The new characters are all terribly written and bland as rocks.

The graphics, when it comes to combat is embarrassing bad especially on PS5.
Ugly, janky and unpolished across the board.

In conclusion, Fairy Fencer F Refrain Chord is a boring waste of time and a awful followup to the underrated Fairy Fencer F Advert Dark Force.

I may not a fan of Compile Hearts games are they filled with meandering plots, poorly executed ideas and repetitive gameplay/asset reuse, (barring the aforementioned Fairy Fencer F Advert Dark Force, which did a good job at avoiding many of those issues), but this alongside Neptunia Sister vs Sisters, have reached a new pathetic low.
They are the LJN of the JRPG gaming industry.
It's frankly baffling that this poorly produced game that has no English Dub was sold on PS5 for £50.

One of the worst JRPG games of 2023 by far.

You done f* it up!!!

When a DLC expansion outclasses the vanilla GTA game in terms of gameplay, humor and visuals.

As much I adore GTA 4, especially with it's story and characters, the gameplay of meh and repetitive.
This is what GTA 4 needed and it's such a breath of fresh air.

An overrated fanfiction disaster that quickly falls apart after the tutorial palace.

Characters are undercooked have little to no chemistry with each other, annoying to poorly written.

The story writing is just pathetically hamfisted and lazy.
Has no idea to handle sensitive themes in the slightest.

The Thrid Semester feels like really bad fanfiction that felt it was written by a 12 year old.

The definition of style over substance and I don't like that.

Just play Persona 3 and 4 instead of this hamfisted flashy fanfiction.

The definition of a flawed masterpiece and that's okay.
Loved the characters so much.

Just a outdated and poorly written Compile Heart game.
Play Fairy Fencer F ADV or Death End Request instead.

The definition of a decent game to a fault.
When it's good it's a one hell of a fun game, but when it's not so good it's very rough.

I recommend waiting for the game to go on a deep sale.

"It's Digital Faeces!!!"

Worth A Buy
23rd October 2023

It was fun while it lasted.
Started off rough, but got better as the years went by.
Final 3 years were awesome.