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3 days ago

UselessObject completed Cavern of Dreams
Probably one of the closest feeling indies I've played so far to the n64 classics. Nails the aesthetics perfectly! Of all the games I've played it's probably the most similar to Banjo, though with better movement and more of an emphasis on puzzles instead of platforming and, and I think that's its strength. The puzzles were all pretty logical and some were a bit too easy, but they always remained pretty creative. A lot of times I was like "wow, it's so cool that was the answer!". There's a lot of inter-connectivity between the worlds that make them really fun to explore and return to, it makes the world feel like a real place instead of just a bunch of unconnected platforming challenges. The ending was also really unexpected. They probably put like every scary nostalgic game trope into one level, and it pays off in a really memorable finale. There's also a surprisingly good story about family and how to be a role model. Personally I needed a game like this right now, at this moment, in my life and I glad I found it. If you liked platformers from 5th gen I would say give this a try, I'm glad I did.

6 days ago

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