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This review contains spoilers

Spoilers below for the endings kinda

Yeah stalkers are scary, but do you know what's scarier? This game's frame drops /s

Okay I'm joking, but my only/main complaint with this is the serious performance issues I faced in my play-through. One of the worst frame rate drops I've ever seen at the recommended resolution, and I only managed to get it properly working/playable at one of the lowest resolutions available. Maybe it's just my PC being a pain, but if that bothers you or ruins the experience for you, then I would not recommend this based on my experience.

Besides that, everything else was great and I loved how this game played out through the dialogue and atmosphere. Additionally, I really like how there's no 'good' ending in this game, as all the endings result in death. This game's events is unfortunately a serious reality for many women and more often than not don't end pretty, so I respect the developers for portraying it as such. If you enjoy horror games that don't necessarily rely on supernatural elements and don't mind playing at a lower resolution, then definitely check this one out.