31 reviews liked by Utawarerumono



Cyanotype Daydream is a fantastic and beautiful visual novel, with a fascinating story, fantastic music, a gorgeous artstyle and wonderful characters.
I also really like how the UI and setting of the first three acts corresponds to the respective first three visual novels from Laplacian. With that, this VN kind of feels like the culmination of what Laplacian has put out until this point.
So overall, this VN truly was a great experience and, in my opinion, definitely the best VN from Laplacian so far.

This game is underrated af, actually one of the best KOFs. Sure, Magaki is a bitch and the menus and backgrounds do not look good, but these are honestly very minor problems. The gameplay is a HUGE step up from 2003, from the physics to being able to actually use the tag mechanic in more creative ways now. Also it has probably one of the best OSTs in the franchise and I really like how some of the endings are linked together.

The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails is a fantastic Spin-Off of the Trails/Kiseki series, and a truly great Action RPG.
I really liked the Story, characters, music and gameplay. Overall, I definitely had a lot of fun with this game and think it's worth checking out.

A pretty good Visual Novel, with an interesting setting and good characters. Overall, I really liked this Visual Novel and it was a nice reading experience.

The Street Won't Forget Pre-hiatus Risa Taneda

If Frelia has a million fans I am one of them.
If Frelia has ten fans I am one of them.
If Frelia has one fan then that is me.
If Frelia has no fans then I am no longer on this earth.
If the world is against Frelia I am against the world.
I love Frelia until my last breath.

I wouldn't be here without Umineko, Akiko Shikata and a random video in my home (Looking Back at the Ar Tonelico Trilogy - Tarks Gauntlet).
Thank you Will of Ar Ciel.

Somehow i got the evil goth gf ending
Really kino story and gameplay. Im glad i play the de-anglicisation ver.

Ar tonelico’s world is one of the most creative ones in a JRPG, the concept of the towers and the whole HYMMNOS language, created by series director Akira Tsuchiya, only helps in making this one of the most fleshed out worlds I’ve seen.

Even tough I just praised the worldbuilding on the previous paragraph, the story is quite simple and the characters are pretty uninspired. Lyner is your typical shounen lead and the heroines are pretty monotone as well with the exception of Misha, but that’s just personal bias. The side characters as well don’t serve much purpose on the narrative.

Gameplay-wise I found this game to be pretty unique on the JRPG mechanics, building up song magic while increasing the harmonics gauge is a lot of fun, unfortunately the game is pretty easy so the full potential of this combat system doesn’t get explored that much.

Overall, I still think this game is a gem even with all the characters being archetypes, the worldbuilding was enough to make me invested trough the end and the soundtrack in this game is spectacular, if you like the game’s opening, utau oka, then you certainly will love this game.

When I first researched stuff online about Dragon Quest 3, I stumbled upon an urban legend saying that the Japanese government had to make a law preventing Square Enix from releasing its games during weekdays because too many people were skipping school and work to get the games. This intrigued me: can a game cause societal disturbances of such scale? During my playthrough, I multiple times felt astonished by the genius creativity behind this game. There's a major step up from what DQ2 has done and switching to Switch port instead of SNES emulation added to the shock.

3 lists liked by Utawarerumono