Decent. Souls fans will enjoy it no matter what. As of now, it is pretty outdated and the British art direction is pretty silly 2,5/5

It just has it's own unique feel to it, and I just really love Jun and her stage. 5/5

The existence of this game is honestly just so funny to me, but the gameplay was totally ahead of it's time all through out, and the gingerbread level was INCREDIBLE. 5/5

I love calling this game the best in the series simply in spite of people who hate it for no reason. What makes this game so special to me is that it's RAW, full of SUN. What does that really is the setting (and the music ofc),- Okinawa tropical island of Japan where our beloved Protagonist Kiryu Kazuma has his own Orphanage (Ultra Cool), with the most beautiful beach in videogame history. the city of Ryukyu where we spend most of our time in Okinawa shines bright in the sunny climate of the island. It has this Vibrant and Colorful PS3 vibe to it which is just irreplaceable and probably impossible to bring back nowadays which gives this game so much soul. Now, what makes this game RAW: gameplay. Yakuza 3 is a game comparably with low damage and less health in comparison to the other games, the enemies block way more, and heat grows greatly slower. First what does is it makes Yakuza 3 the most challenging game in the franchise for newcomers and in a healthy way, and Second it forces us to be creative with the way we play, and it creates an insane amount of just unforgettable "Flow" moments in combat.
Overall I love this game. It's the only second Yakuza game I replayed and which I could probably replay forever, because of how beautiful I think it is, and while Yakuza 0 is my favorite. I don't have that desire to replay it. Yakuza 3 from me gets a: 5/5

Hands down the best fighting game on the market for as long as it stood, and I love fighting games. There is just so much depth and content to it It just lures you in and keeps you in the flow state for as long as your playing, whenever it's against family on couch, or against strangers in a compepetive match. 5/5

One of the best Lego Games out there. What makes it so special is after you get to beat the great and complete story-line filled with loved by everyones villains, motives and music, we later then get to transform from the Batcave into the villains den and play all the missions again but from the perspective of our beloved villanous characters. 5/5

I honestly just loved the destructive levels from this game, one of the best xbox 360 experiences I got to witness. 2,5/5