Didn't get to experience it after I really got in touch with combos and characters but I love it for what it is. 5/5

Pretty cute game, and I think my sister loves it. 3/5

Meh, borning and short. 2/5

It was just incredibly fun as a kid LOL! 5/5

Simply mind-blowing at first and that's that. Can't give it a mark LOL!

KIIIIIIIIINO! The instalment that made me truly fall in love with the series. Partly what makes it great are all the memories I've had playing this with my family and simblings and part of that comes from the INCREDIBLY wast amount of high quality content this masterpiece of a game provided. 8vs8, Force Mode, Arcade,- there was just always something to do in this game and it just never got borning, and with what a BEATIFUL songs playing in the background! 5/5


You can have some real good time with the right friends on this game. It's exciting vast, and when the moment comes blood pumping. 5/5

It just has it's own unique feel to it, and I just really love Jun and her stage. 5/5

WEIRD AF GAME, one you like to have but never play because the gameplay is garbage. Bonus 1 point because it's jojo. 1,5/5

Not much to say here. It just has it's own distinct style to it. 5/5

Funny and cute little game. 3/5

5 stars simply for the level editor mode. My sister hated me for how much I loved it LOL! 5/5

4/5 because it's just an alright game, 4'5/5 because it is made by a Polish Studio. 4,5/5